This product is priced at $10.00 The attributes are priced using the Price Factor Red is $10 Yellow is $20 Green is $30 This makes the total price $10 + the price...
This product is priced at $10.00 The attributes are priced using the Price Factor and Price Factor Offset Red is $10 ($0) Yellow is $20 ($10) Green is $30 ($20) The...
This product is priced at $10.00 It is marked Price by Attributes. The attributes are priced using the Price Factor and Price Factor Offset. The actual Product Price is used...
This product is $45 with a one time charge set on the colors. Red $5 Yellow is $10 Green is $15
Attribute qty discounts are attribute prices based on qty ordered. Enter them as: Red: 3:10.00,6:9.00,9:8.00,12:7.00,15:6.00 Yellow